
December 2, 2013

Downtown Bakery Review

Downtown Bakery Review 
by tonistokes529

Set # 41006
253 pieces
Released 2013

Box front

Box back

The Downtown Bakery is full of sweet treats.  Be careful not to get a tummy ache.

Box contents

Open up the box and we get an instruction booklet, a light yellow 16x16 baseplate, a
sticker sheet, and two numbered bags.  I really like the color of the baseplate and I
hope LEGO incorporates them into more sets.  As of right now, the baseplate is
exclusive to this set.

1st Bag contents

Inside the first bag we get a lot of the big pieces.  There are some nice pieces in dark
pink, including some plates.  I also like the dark tan log 1x2 bricks.

Exclusive to this set from the first bag:
  • Danielle's hair - it's Olivia's in blonde
  • Danielle's shirt
  • Yellowish Orange 1x3x2 arches
  • Mia's Chef shirt
  • Medium Azure 1x3 shallow arch

1st Bag build

1st Bag build - Sweet counter

The first bag makes most of the structure and a display case with a croissant and
some sort of pastry.  I think the way they designed the sign and archway over the
door is clever.  The color combination is not overwhelming and it makes the set pop.
The door build is a little funky and doesn't open all the way, but they did pretty
well with the space allotted.

2nd Bag contents

In the second bag we get a lot of the smaller and detail pieces.  I really like the
accessories in this set.  My favorites are the phone, pretzel, stars, baguette, and cherries.
I really love LEGO food.

Exclusive to this set from the second bag:
  • Dark tan stars
  • Yellowish Orange Kitchen tools (knives, forks, plates etc)
  • Dark tan 1x4 log bricks

2nd Bag build

The second bag really adds all of the details and playability to the set.  Out front we
have flower boxes and a bin for baguettes.  Also makes the oven, which isn't big enough
for the bread, but it can fit the pretzel, and some of the smaller cakes.  Inside we have
some cake stands, some star cookies, a register, and even some flavored syrups.  To me
they seem like cherry and caramel. YUM!

Completed build

I had reservations with this set initially.  I was excited about the details but not really
about the structure.  But in building, I learned some interesting techniques that I hope
to incorporate into my own MOCs.

Mia and Danielle

The minidolls are fabulous.  Mia looks very professional in her chef attire.  As a girl
who doesn't dress up too often, I appreciate some more pants in Heartlake City. 
Danielle's shirt is beautiful.  It's amazing the amount of detail they can print onto a
small piece.

Extra pieces

We get 20 extra pieces!  Whoo hoo!  This turn price per piece to about $0.11USD which
makes the set a little more in my comfort zone.  Nothing spectacular but I like those
cherries and the star.

Overall, I think this is a win-win for children and adults.  Children get great playability
and could add this to any town.  Adults get some awesome MOC parts in great colors
that I plan to put to good use.

See more of her reviews & creations on her blog Toni builds with LEGO

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