
February 28, 2014

Mailbox Review

Mailbox Review
by Kristel

This set was released a couple of years ago, but what better time of year than February to do a belated review of the Mailbox set?

The FriendsBricks community wishes to thank TLG’s CEE Team for generous support of this set to review and share with fans.

The front of the polybag shows the build, with Stephanie about to post a letter to a loved one.

The back of the polybag gives us another look at Stephanie, this time in 1:1 scale, and the usual fine print and warnings.

Inside the polybag is one loose, folded instruction sheet and the parts. There is no parts list for each step, but it’s not an issue given the relatively simple build. 

The back of the instruction sheet reminds us of the other great sets that were available to buy when this set was first released.

Here are the parts:
There aren’t any parts in this set that were unique at the time the set was released, but I still quite like the selection. My favourite pieces here are the printed letter, mailbox and its lid, Red 2x2 jumper and Pearl Gold telescopes.

Stephanie wears a cute little White top with stars and circles, matched with a Magenta skirt and White and Magenta sneakers.
You can be forgiven for thinking you’ve met Stephanie in this outfit before, as she is the same as we find flying high in Heartlake Flying Club (3063), cruising around in Stephanie’s Cool Convertible (3183) and her own poly bag, aptly named Stephanie (5000245).

Only a few spares from this smaller set, but a large number if you think of it in terms of percentage of the overall set!

Overall, I’ve always had a soft spot for this set as the stall with the little heart always puts a smile on my face.  At the same time, I’ve never understood why this polybag was called “Mailbox.”  I always think of Valentine’s when I see this little set.

Thanks for reading!

Note: Brickset and BrickLink were use to verify set information.
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