
December 24, 2014

Review: 41095 Emma's House

Let’s take a closer look at Emma’s House and see if it as stylish as Emma herself!

The FriendsBricks community wishes to thank TLG’s CEE Team for generous support of this set to review and share with fans.

The front of the box shows Emma’s House, located in the leafy, white picket suburbs of Heartlake City.

The set box carries the familiar purple flanges on the sides and ribbon wave across the top, indicating that this set belong to the base theme and not a sub-theme. We also get to see Emma’s mum, Charlotte, and her dad, Luis.  I was surprised how big this box was, but it wasn’t filled with air! We’ll get to that shortly.

The back of the box shows us what we can expect to find in the box, highlighting the playing features and loads of accessories. The left hand shows the modular nature of the building, meaning you can arrange it any way you like!

Inside the box are:
  • three instruction booklets and a sticker sheet, nicely packed with cardboard backing
  • seven numbered parts bags
  • 6x16 plates in Tan and a 16x16 plates in Bright Green, both loose in the box
  • 3x Tan, 2x White and 1x Bright Green 8x16 plates and a vine pieces in their own un-numbered baggie.

Let’s take a closer look at the instruction booklets:

The front covers of the three booklets have the same main image as the set box, with the inset showing the interior and the three individual mini-doll images being absent.  The sticker sheet is the type with the metallic sheen and appears to have a mirror sticker on it. It may just be my butter fingers, but I sometimes find these types of stickers harder to peel off.

The instructions are simple to follow, with parts lists for each step:

Each instruction booklet has a different back cover. The back of the instruction booklet 1 has an exceptionally cute looking Emma letting us know how we could win a free set. The second booklet shows the Friends apps and online activities, and the third booklet shows an image of the new LEGO Elves theme (looking forward to those sets!!).

Here’s the collection of parts that come in the box:

Let’s have a closer look at the parts in Bag 1:

Lavender, lavender, lavender - I am officially in love with the Lavender colour.   Once I tore myself away from the Lavender bricks, I also noticed a nice selection of tiles and a door in Magenta, a Medium Azure bike, and two of the three mini-dolls.   Lavender is not a new colour, but this is the first time we’ve seen Lavender bricks (other than the 1x2 log bricks). This first baggie has 1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 1x2x5 and 1x8 Lavender bricks. It was definitely nice to see such variety!

The 1x6 Magenta tile is also unique to this set.

And these, which are not new, but haven’t really been widely available:

I was going to put love hearts across this image, but thought that might be going too far. 

Here’s what the first bag of parts builds:

The build starts with the front entrance, Emma, Luis and the bicycle. It’s still relatively bare at this stage, with nothing on the inside or in the garden. We’ll take a closer look at the mini-dolls shortly. 

The contents of the Bag 2:

While this is a nice selection of parts, there were just a few things that stood out for me: the Lime parrot (the same as in Parrot’s Perch (41024)), Bright Green apple and Red bowl. I couldn’t identify anything that is new or unique to this set.

This completes the garden and interior of that part of the building started with Bag 1:

I really like the stepping stones path leading to the front door. The parrot’s perch swivels, so you can send the poor birdie spinning if you’re so inclined. I suspects real parrots wouldn’t actually enjoy this so much!

While Emma’s family has a very modern flat screen TV, the rest of the furniture has a very retro feel to it.

This brings us to Bag 3:

More Lavender and Magenta goodness, and a few of my favourite style of windows were the things that stood out for me in Bag 3.

These parts build the second half of the ground floor of the house. I love the box framed windows:

I also like how the fridge has been built into the frame of the house (although it took me a little while to realise what it was).

The parts in Bag 4:

Lots of accessories and furnishings pieces in this baggie!  

The parts in Bag 4 seem quite an eclectic mix, but they come together nicely to create a meals / kitchen area and the remainder of the garden.

Here’s a closer look at the easel, which I think has been really nicely done!

The retro interior decorating continues in the meals and kitchen area.

I love the Medium Azure standing lamp which has been made using the new bluebell piece that was first seen in the Disney Princess sets. There was an error in the instructions at this point, with the stand for the lamp appearing in the image for Step 26, but appearing in the parts list for Step 27.

The ground floor is now complete:

And we're up to Bag 5:

At the risk of sounding a little repetitive, Bag 5 contains more Lavender and Magenta goodness. There are a couple of the large panels in Lavender in this Bag, which means 3 so far. I would normally prefer to have bricks instead of panels, but there are still quite a few bricks despite the use of the panels. 

I don’t think it comes as a surprise given this selection of parts that Bag 5 builds the bathroom:

This section also has the nice boxed windows, albeit using the smaller 4x3 windows to provide privacy for those using the bathroom.

At this point, I’m starting to feel a little sorry for Emma’s dad. You can definitely see the influence of the women in the house in all the decor! 

The bath sits above the entrance:

I double checked to make sure I had the placement right as the overhang seemed a little wrong at first.

This brings us to Bag 6:

We should be getting quite familiar with this colour scheme by now! I am actually impressed by the number of Lavender bricks contained in the set.

Bag 6 contains Emma’s mum, Charlotte. I am not sure why we had to wait for her until Bag 6, as this bag of parts builds Emma’s room. I love Charlotte’s hairpiece, but more on that later.

Emma gets a small balcony with sliding door:

I made an assumption that this was Emma’s room given it is a single bed and there’s a camera on the bed.   I can see from the box images that we still have the rooftop terrace and attic to go.  The question therefore is: where do Charlotte and Luis sleep?

Here are the parts from the final baggie, Bag 7:

You might be forgiven for thinking that Bag 7 comes from a different set given the change in the dominant colour! 

I also thought the inclusion of the Neon Orange 1x1 round plates was odd, but it makes a lot more sense when you are building the barbecue for the roof top terrace:

The very final step, which I almost missed, was to place the vine in an arch across the gap in the fence.  This completes the house:

Let’s take a closer look at Emma and her parents. First up is Emma:

Emma is sporting a new Medium Lavender (?) top, with a flower pattern. We’ve seen Emma wear this Bright Light Blue skirt previously in her Flower Stand polybag (30112) and in Heartlake Shopping Mall (41058). Mia also wore this same skirt in the Dolphin Cruiser (41015) and Olivia was wearing it when tending to her Newborn Foal (41003).

Emma’s mum, Charlotte:

With a new Magenta skirt and new Sand Green, belted top, it’s easy to see where Emma gets her style from. While the skirt is similar to that of Anna (Olivia’s mum in Olivia’s House (3315)) and Ms Steven’s (from Heartlake High (41005)), it is the first time in Magenta and also with a different shoe print.

I absolutely love Charlotte’s hair!! It is the harder, glossier style and has been seen before in Light Bluish Grey and Bright Light Yellow for the Collectible Minifigures, but this is the first time it is in Reddish Brown.

Emma’s dad, Luis:

Luis is sporting a new hairpiece, face and torso. His pants are the same as Matthew was wearing in the Jungle Bridge Rescue (41036) and Mia is wearing in this year’s Advent Calendar (41040).  Is it just me, or is Luis very French looking?

And the family as a whole: 

I included the little inset image to demonstrate the differences in the torsos for the three mini-dolls: Luis with the longer arms, Charlotte with the fuller figure and Emma the teenager.

There are quite a few spare parts:

I’m not sure if the extra utensils are technically spares but they weren’t used in the build and, hence, made their way into this shot!

Let’s have another look at the set as a whole:

Overall, I think the set designers at LEGO have done a great job with Emma’s House. I love the colour scheme and the boxed windows. In terms of playability, it has all the things you expect to find in a house, including a fridge that you can take things in and out of quite easily and an attic for hiding dusty books.   In terms of parts, it has a wide range of accessories and a great selection of Lavender bricks, Magenta tiles and large windows.

If I were to change anything on this set, it would be to move the front door forward (it seems to be hiding a little) and to give Charlotte and Luis a bedroom. I’m looking forward to seeing the MODs made to add this extra bedroom!

Thanks for reading! C&C welcome.

Note: All exclusive parts mentioned in the colours noted were applicable at the time this review was posted. Parts may be available in other colours and sets after the post of this review. Brickset and BrickLink were use to verify this information.

1 comment:

Argonor said...

Very nice review (as all the previous). My daughters (11 and 8) both enjoy collecting, assembling, and playing with LEGO so much more since the Friends line became available, and this block (misspelled intentionally) is my first point of reference when planning their next presents for x-mas or birthdays!

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