
April 15, 2018

Review: 41339 Mia's Camper Van

"Mia to Stephanie. Come in, Stephanie. Let's start our camping adventure fun..."

This set was provided by the AFOL Engagement of The LEGO Group for the purpose of sharing set details with fans.
Opinions provided here solely reflect those of our reviewer.
Photographs are property of Friends Bricks and are not directed by TLG in any fashion.

The front of the box features the new 2018 look with the new Friends inside a heart and doodle artwork on the purple flanges. There is a nice wooded settings for Mia's Camper Van with a hint of Heartlake City's skyline in the distance. In one corner we have Mia and Stephanie as the main characters in this set. In the other corner, we have some of the play features of the camper van. This is a non-North America box, no piece count information is provided on the box.

The back of the box shows more of the play features in the set. There is much to do. In the lower corner we have the Friends with their names, although, Andrea and Emma is covered by a Not for Sale and Stephanie by our Friends Bricks watermark. The box now has push tabs to open instead of sealed by pieces of tape.

The sides of the box have more pictures and 1:1 scale of Mia. There are the usual legal text, countries of origin, safety warnings, UPC code, and unique to this box is a Not for Sale sticker.

For 2018, the sides of the box feature more pictures.

Let's get to the goodies inside.  We find one un-numbered bag and four numbered bags.

It's great that the stickers are inside the bag with the instruction manual. There is less chance they'll get damaged during shipping and handling.

The front of the glued spline instruction manual features the same wooded scene as on the front of the box.

Let's work our way backwards. On the back of the instruction manual is still the same from previous years. You could win a prize if you leave feedback on the website listed.

We have an ad for app and sample pics of users' work.

Here we have a Heartlake City's park featuring several 2018 sets.

Here we have the larger sets. Hey, I recognize that camper van.

Mia and her camper van and the play features.

Here are the pages with the parts list.

A sample of the building instructions. Each step has only a couple pieces at time and it's easy to follow along.

There is a printed and cut piece of plastic sheet for making the tent and camper van's awning. This part is unique to this set.

The sticker sheet has 16 stickers.

Here are the parts in bag #1. The black horse makes a comeback. It was last used in 2016 for Heartlake Riding Club. The following pieces are new for 2018:

-dark azure riding saddle, unique to this set
-dark azure invert 45 2x2 slope, 2 other sets
-lavender 4x4 plate, 1 other set

In the small bag, we have these parts. The 5 petal plates are new for 2018.

Finished building bag #1, we have Mia, Stephanie, sign post, tent, picnic bench, tree, inflatable raft, and the horse Aria.

Let's take a closer look at the minidolls. Here we have Mia. That whitish line down her hair actually rubs off. I think it might have been something left over from the molding process. She has a new head for 2018. Her torso and legs are also new.

Here is 2018 Mia with 2012-2017 Mia on the right. I'll miss those beautiful brown/hazel eyes. Green is not bad.

Here is Stephanie. Her head, torso and legs are new for 2018. She is wearing the same outfit as in 41328 Stephanie's Bedroom.

Here is 2018 Stephanie with 2012-2017 Stephanie on the right.

Moving along to bag #2. The following parts are new for 2018:

-dark azure 1x4 brick, this set only
-dark azure invert 45 2x2 slope, 2 other sets
-dark azure 1x2-2x2 bracket, 1 other set
-lavender 1x8 plate, this set only
-lavender 2x8 plate, this set only
-lavender 4x4 plate, 1 other set
-lavender 4x8 plate, this set only
-lime 1x8 tile, this set only

Here's the content of the small bag. The lime 1x2 bricks with studs on side are new for 2018 and available in 2 other sets.

Let's ask Mia and Stephanie to help out now that they themselves have been assembled.

With bag #2 completed, we have the base of the camper van.

Let's continue to bag #3. Dark azure 4x1 slope, curved inverted was previously only available in Ninjago City. The transclear 8x3x3 window was available in 2015 in the Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine van. Come to think of it, Mia's Camper Van has a similar color scheme. The following are new for 2018:

-dark azure 1x8 tile, this set only
-dark azure 2x8 plate, this set only
-dark azure 1x6 plate, 2 other sets
-dark azure 1x8 plate, 1 other set

The first small bag contain these parts. The dark azure 2x2 tiles are new for 2018 and available in 1 other set. As mentioned before, the petal plates are new for 2018.

The other bag has these parts. The following are new for 2018:

-dark azure 2x2 corner tile, this set only
-dark azure 1x4 plate with 2 studs, also in Boost set
-five petal plates

Finishing bag #3. The camper van is coming together. Smile for the camera.

Finally bag #4. The trans-light blue 8x4x2 curved windscreen was previously available in 2017's Sunshine Catamaran. The following parts are new for 2018:

-lime 8x8 plate, 3 other sets
-lime 1x8 tile, this set only
-dark azure 6x1 curve slope, this set only
-lavender 4x8 plate, this set only
-lavender 2x8 plate, this set only

In the small bag, we have these parts. The dark pink 2x4 tiles are new for 2018 and can be found in 1 other set.

These are the extra leftover pieces from the building process.

Here is the completed camper van. The awning can fold in and out.

It comes apart like so. The left side of the camper open up like other LEGO camper van sets.

Let's take a closer look. We have the kitchen area with fridge, stove, and sink. On the right we have the bathroom with sink, toilet, brush holder and perfume bottle.

The bathroom has a transclear door and windows. I think I would like a bit more privacy with frosted glass or transblack or transpurple instead. The toilet paper is a sticker. Be careful that it doesn't stick to you when you wipe.

Here is the stove and fridge with a printed carton of orange juice. The van features a comfy table for two. There is a ladder sticker to go up top.

Here is the front with driver and passenger seating. It's a stick shift.

Up top we have a sleeping area with two beds.

You can watch the stars through the skylight windows.

Or you can the watch 2x4 flat screen TV if it is cloudy.

There a tent that sleeps two if you prefer the outside.

Or if your friend snores and/or has gaseous discharge.

The picnic bench seems a bit oversized. Mia may have to jump to grab her sandwich.

Here is the signage and tree. Aria seems to be more interested in the ponytail than the apple.

Let's go riding. Standing position only.


That's a lot to cover in a set. This set has a lot going for it. I enjoyed the build. It can provide hours of play possibilities. There are many new 2018 parts in friendly colors and unique parts.

It is not hard to modify to your personal tastes either. I replaced the light bluish grey hinge brick with a white hinge plate and a couple 1x2 plates. Maybe sticking the sticker up higher would help hide it too.

It's fun to change it up with train wheels. Do the Train Wheels Make It Better? No need to take the high speed train to go white water rafting when you have a camper van with horsepower!

Safety first, always wear your personal floatation device.

Thanks for reading!

Note: All exclusive parts mentioned in the colours noted were applicable at the time this review was posted. Parts may be available in other colours and sets after the post of this review. Brickset and BrickLink were used to verify this information.


Animalland9 said...

Awesome review once again! I love reading these and they are always extremely helpful!

Blondwave said...

Cool review, great job!!! I have only one thing - dark azure riding saddle isn't unique to this set: it was included in Summe Riding Camp before, and may in the Emma's Horse Trailer, too.

Xyra Silverleaf said...

Another wonderful review! This camper set looks awesome; so full of many ways to camp or things to do while on the road; and Mia and Stephanie are definitely prepared for almost anything!

Again, I love seeing the mini dolls helping build the camper. I do hope the camper's GPS tells them overpass restrictions. :-)

It is too bad they couldn't give Steph a new outfit for this set. Also too bad they couldn't make a saddle in which they could sit.

Great work! Thank you!

LegoMyMamma said...

The saddle in the Summer Riding Camp was "Medium Blue" and the one in Emma's Horse Trailer was "Medium Lavender" color.
This is the first time it's been in "Dark Azure" so far.

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