
June 2, 2018

Review: 41341 Andrea's Bedroom

In 2013, Andrea’s Bedroom was all about making sure she looked good for her performances, with the main feature of her room being the dresser. Fast-forward to today, and Andrea’s Bedroom (41341) is all about the music itself.

This set was provided by the AFOL Engagement of The LEGO Group for the purpose of sharing set details with fans. Opinions provided here solely reflect those of our reviewer. Photographs are property of FriendsBricks and are not directed by TLG in any fashion.

The front of the box shows Andrea belting out a tune while playing the piano in her bedroom. It also reveal that she has done away with the futon and now has a murphy bed.

The box is the new style without the ribbon across and the five friends instead in a heart bubble at the top right hand corner. The flanges have music symbols, reflecting Andrea’s passion.

The back of the box shows Andrea sitting at her dresser (aka the underside of her bed) and enticing the parrot to sing with the promise of a cookie. 

The sides of the box gives us the usual warnings and indicates the size of the pieces by giving us a 1:1 image of Pepper, the Parrot.

Inside the box are:
  • One instruction booklet
  • A sticker sheet
  • Two un-numbered parts bags
  • One 8 x 8 Bright Light Orange plate.

Let’s take a closer look at the instruction booklet:

The front cover of the instruction booklet has the same main image as the set box, minus the insets. It reveals that Andrea’s bedroom is located in a huge room! Inside, the instructions are laid out well and easy to follow:

The inside back pages of the instruction booklet feature:
  • Full parts list (across two pages)
  • The friends’ bedroom sets, which also shows that they each on a heart-shaped base in the Friends’ respective colours
  • A page on what you can do with the LEGO Life app.


The back cover has the gorgeous Emma letting us know how we can win a cool LEGO prize. 

Here’s the parts for the set:

The parts that caught my eye were:
  • The 1x2x3 panels in Trans-Dark Pink, which are also available in Andrea’s Accessories Store, but have only been in that colour in one set previously
  • The Dark Azure electric guitar, which is not new, but worthy of a mention in my view
  • The parts in Teal, this being a recently re-introduced colour.
Here’s what it looks like built:

Let’s take a closer look at Andrea:

Andrea is wearing a single shoulder, Bright Light Orange top with musical notes, over a layered Light Aqua skirt with magenta lace-ups. She is also sporting the new dreadlocks. If this sounds familiar, it is probably because this is the exact same outfit Andrea wore for the Friendship House (41340).

Pepper, the magenta and bright Light Orange parrot is Andrea’s new pet  in 2018. While not a new mould, the colour combination was introduced in 2018.

This brings us to the spare parts, of which there are quite a few. Thirteen of them actually, which is pretty significant for an 85-piece set!

Let’s have a closer look at what Andrea gets up to in her room.

Here she is sitting on her bed, mixing a track on her lap top, and playing her guitar.

Here she is sitting in front of her dresser, checking out her new hair, and also belting out a tune while playing the piano.

Overall, a great little set for the price!

Thanks for reading! C&C welcome.

Note: All exclusive parts mentioned in the colours noted were applicable at the time this review was posted. Parts may be available in other colours and sets after the post of this review. Brickset and BrickLink were use to verify this information.

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