
April 28, 2020

Review: 41405 Andrea's Shopping Play Cube

From Party Hat to Aquarium, Andrea's Pet Store has a lot for such a small cube! Will the birdhouse get a pet, or another animal to grace the magenta counter?

Box front shows Andrea ready for a customer, or just having made a sale -- and has her first "5" coin. The box side panel shows how the new color for Series #2 of satin pink cube protrudes out the front -- secured by 2 top studs. The animal collage shows the random colors each cube may contain.
All the shopping cubes are arranged in a heart shape for us to see on the back.

Box contents: Cube in the new satin trans-dark pink color paired with Andrea's flame yellowish orange, and stuff inside; instructions pamphlet, largest of the 2 parts bags, and sticker sheet.

Large bag contents: the Lavender 2x6 plate with 1x6 upward studs are in all 5 of this wave's cubes -- and in Trolls Pop Village Celebration as interior base for a purple pod. Nothing else is new, yet I'm happy to see 7 Teal 1x2 bricks!

Andrea wore this magenta and navy leopard print top and shimmery blue vest with ruffles first in 41344 Andrea's Accessories Store. Then in 41373 Funny Octopus Ride. There's no back print -- just pure blue shimmer!
Andrea's magenta skirt with navy boots are only otherwise in Andrea's Talent Show 41368.

Cube contents: Mystery pillow box with loads of question marks containing the "surprise" color animal; brochure; and smaller parts bag.

Small parts bag: The Aqua party hat is otherwise only in Emma's Play Cube 41404. This is only the 3rd appearance of the Magenta (bright reddish violet) 2x2 tile with 1 knob, since first in 2016's Heartlake Party Shop 41132; and then Emma's Photo Studio 41305.

First we place the pet store shelves sticker into the flame yellowish orange side, and add lights.
You may think this sticker looks familiar ... as several items were also in Heartlake Pet Center 41345 -- such as the super cute Mushroom House!

More familiar stickers go onto the hamster food box, and the aquarium sticker's castle is now Teal -- plus the fish has Andrea's colors!
Both modules are straight forward builds and very colorful. We set the treats on the counter -- yum!

With the modules installed, we can see a miniature Pet Store. Very succinct and inviting!
Plus, we get 9 spares, considering they are duplicates of small, easily lost parts.

A close up of the sticker sheet gives a chance to see the adorable details. The instructions only reference 3 stickers; the rest are for later.
Just like all the other cubes have stickers unique to each Friend, we get the icon of winged music note here for Andrea.

With everything built and installed, Andrea is all ready for her surprise color pet! Hope it's what she ordered ;-)

Our surprise pet is a Purple Turtle! Color is Medium Lilac in LEGO terms. The blue shimmery highlights of its eyes, head and shell details are very lovely. As with all these small animals -- they are way cuter in person than any photographs!
Given that Andrea's pet is a bird, and there's a birdhouse in the cube -- it's a surprising not to be a feathered friend.

Here are the 4 possible randomly inserted colors of turtles: Copper Metallic, Cool Yellow, Light Pink, and Medium Lilac. The brochure shows her cube and a lovely graphic of Andrea singing!

Back of the brochure shows all the animals paired with all 5 shopping cubes. Plus, a peek at Series #3 cube covers of satin blue for the Summer 2020. The stickers hint at a beach theme.

The color of satin trans-dark pink for Series #2 first appeared in Disney's Aurora's Royal Carriage.

Now the purple turtle is on display -- so regal atop the magenta counter!

Here's another look at the purple pet in the store, so you can see the beautiful shell print. I think this turtle is hungry ... and eyeing that fish food container!

With the building done and cube closed with everything in its place, it's time for the builder to design where the rest of the stickers are placed.

Moving the Aquarium to the trans pink side gives it more light. Now Andrea can use an extra green 1x1 to feed this hungry turtle!


Having built and reviewed the original Heartlake Pet Center -- I can say this is a fun miniature version! As with all cubes, the designers -- both set bricks and graphic artists -- have managed to squeeze in clever and fun aspects.

If you're looking to expand your aquatic LEGO animal collection, I can recommend this cube for the excitement of a new Turtle color. There has been a Lavender Turtle in the Friends line in Turtle's Little Paradise #41041, so it's not that strange. Although the many other turtles in Friends have been green.

AFOLs will enjoy that seven Teal bricks are included. It's one of Andrea's signature colors -- along with flame yellowish orange and magenta. I think using graphics similar to the first Pet Center is great and shows continuity of this theme. The aquarium brightens-up the solid color side. Getting so many spare parts (especially printed) boosts the 40 piece count value to 49.
Whether it's for play or parts -- this cube satisfies both.

This set was provided by The LEGO Group for the purpose of sharing set details with fans.
Opinions provided here solely reflect those of our reviewer.
Photographs are property of Friends Bricks and are not directed by TLG in any fashion.


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