
May 3, 2021

Review: 41432 Alpaca Mountain Jungle Rescue

The jungle mountain volcano is rumbling. Execute the evacuation plan before the eruption.

Step one of the plan: build bag #1. We have a log boat to paddle away to safety. A cabin with food, refrigerator, exploration tools, life vests, laptop computer, walkie-talkie. In the picture are also the extra pieces in bag #1.

The back of the cabin. The dark azure minifigure head used to make the propane gas stove can be found in one other set.

Some parts to note in bag #2. The dark purple 1x3x2 inverted arches are found in 2 other sets. The white technic small rotor blades are available in 1 other set (41692).

Completing bag #2, we have the rescue helicopter with working winched basket. The helicopter blades spin freely. We have the mountain base. There aren't many leftover pieces in this bag.

Some interesting parts in bag 3. The dark tan 2x1x3/75 inverted slopes are new for 2020 and unique to this set. The dark pink 1x1 round tiles with bar and pin holder are in 2 other sets (41444, 41443). The satin trans-light blue 3x4x6 curved top panel can be found in 3 other sets.

We have half the waterfall, falling rock wall, and a few caves built. I like the look of the satin finish on the panel.

In bag #4, the medium nougat 4x4x2 quarter round fences are new for 2020 and unique to this set. The dark azure hoop is available 1 other set. The medium nougat 8x8 round plate with rounded end can be found in 2 other sets while the dark orange 1x1 rocks with crystals are in 3 other sets.

The jungle mountain is finished. There are terraces for climbing up and down. We have a variety of left over pieces.

In back are places to explore and crate to hide gem stones. The big rock pieces (BURP) work well for chambers.

A look at some of the functional features of the mountain. At the top is the mouth of the volcano. In the crater are trans-orange lava bricks. You can make the lava explode with a flick of the finger on the black Technic piece (video).

There is a falling rock wall with fire coming out the volcano seam. Alpaca has good clutch power to hang on to the mountain.

Stephanie and Mia are the minidolls in this set. Stephanie is wearing an olive green vest and cargo shorts. Her coral belt is printed around her back. Mia is wearing a Nordic pattern vest and olive green cargo shorts. The printing also goes on her back.

The alpacas are new for 2020 and unique to this set. Some have blue eyes and some have green eyes. Interestingly, in real life alpaca eyes can come in different colors like people eyes.

We have two other animals with this set. The medium blue bird can be found 4 other sets. The black bat is dark like Batman.

The box front shows the jungle mountain and cabin. Stephanie is flying the helicopter and Mia is paddling down the river on a log. It's in support of National Geographic Explorers.

The back of the box shows the many play features.

There are about 15 stickers to apply. I found the back of the large rock pieces a bit tricky to sticker using my fingers.

The part list can be found in the PDF file of the instruction booket.

All is fine. The volcano isn't erupting. It was a dream Stephanie had sleeping on an alpaca fiber blanket.


Overall, it is a fun play set. You can let your imagination go jungle wild. I enjoyed building the rock works. It wasn't overly parts labor intensive. The alpacas are cute and at time of writing only found in this set. I recommend this set to anyone who likes a play adventure and alpacas.

Thanks for reading.

This set was provided by The LEGO Group for the purpose of sharing set details with fans.
Opinions provided here solely reflect those of our reviewer.
Photographs are property of Friends Bricks and are not directed by TLG in any fashion.

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