
July 26, 2022

Review: 41721 Organic Farm

A fresh organic Lunch awaits Mia driving the Tractor in from the fields helping her Grandpa Marcel on the farm.

Chicken coop gets built first for a rare dark orange chicken to lay some eggs for the farm, and to sell.

The rotating mechanism inside allows the eggs to be removed gently from the back for an "instant play" feature.

Priyanka has also arrived at the farm to help. She has a coral top with swirls tied in a front knot and neon yellow sneakers to match the collar.

Now we build the purple tractor; the side panels are built as sections, then attached -- as will the trailer.

It's a very solid build design that will certainly hold up to play. It's electric; although it still has an exhaust pipe, so maybe it was retro-fitted with a battery.

The flame yellowish orange box bottom holding the Cherries on back of the tractor is rare in this color.

River is also helping at the farm today and wears classic plaid for the task.

Building small modules is always fun: An Apple Tree using rare medium nougat arch "branch" parts that provide nice techniques for tree construction, and a sign with basket to "pick your own" fruit.
A placard sign for how much organic jams and eggs are at this farm. The canopy of the stand uses a brown antenna to angle clip it and a mini-bag for money.

Marcel is the owner and Mia's grandpa. He has a dark green plaid shirt under olive green/tan coveralls. He comes with a bandage for his wrist. He injured it by ... oh, you have to read on to find out :-)

A black horse with tan mane is new in this combination of slight fluffed over its head, and only in this set. Its head can move up and down with rubbery mane matching the tail.

Mia has two hats! One for farming and one for riding that beautiful black horse. Her yellow/teal plaid over magenta and purple shorts is not new, yet rare so far.

Building starts at the stable and kitchen areas. The kitchen counter can be pulled out later, after securing on the 2x4 center-stud tile; same for the water trough.

The stable/barn doors are built, rather than just being a molded part. The doorway sides of tan bricks with clips creating hinges of the tan antenna parts and alternating nougat tiles is a very lovely design that is hidden by the doors. Resting on 1x1 round dark orange tiles is also a nice technique to remember.

The 6x10 plate as roof is newly recolored in Lavender and the 1x8 newly recolored brick above the doors is medium nougat.

Newly recolored in Teal fanlight upper window parts are rare (only in this set so far) and we get 4 in this set! The 1x12x3 arch is newly recolored in medium nougat and apparently only in this set. Somewhat a surprise, since it's such a standard older part.

Starting the rafters and roof, we build-in a rickety patched section where one shingle (slope) has failed. I'm very happy to get a printed wood board tile!

I like the combination of earth blue, olive green and sand green to give the worn look to the farmhouse/barn. It looks nice against the medium nougat. The teal windows with white lattice shutters really stand out.

We build a bed for Marcel with a teal cover; you can place stickers #8 and #9 for an Apple book, extra blanket and pillow cover. Yet, I wasn't sure if I would do a re-build -- so I left them off. It's lovely just solid color to me.
Placed onto a double center-stud tile, it can be removed easily.

A better look at the rafters, as this set is a great way to learn those techniques for a solid/supported roof. There is a small fireplace in the upper bedroom. Hopefully between that and the warmth of the horse stable the bedroom will be a comfy Home Sweet Home.

Another view of the rafters and chimney from inside.

The chimney uses a dark gray part with an angle cut-out in the corner. A very subtle design detail that gives the appearance of being rain-water worn -- which certainly contributes to ruddy and moss-covered shingle.

The roof is finished at this point, so we add the barn winch mechanism.

Next we build more small modules of a kitty condo (with a rare teal box bottom), a picnic table, kitchen buffet table/counter, and a ladder (for patching the roof).

A look inside at the inside with kitty on the condo in the finished Kitchen.

A red bucket of water is hoisted up between the hanging potted flowers. A colorful stand of lights hangs across the wide arch opening of the farmhouse kitchen. The kitty has just climbed down the condo and eyeing that pie!

The second wood board printed tile is used to cover another worn shingle (as depicted on the box art). The solar panel is probably only enough to power the light string.

The overall finished Barn-style Farmhouse -- with an outdoor picnic eating area. The magenta framing on the stable doors really adds a pop of cheery -- along with the magenta shutters -- which are rare.

Lots of nice small spares in this 826-piece set.

Sticker sheet. The bedroom door gets #2 of a lovely Dutch looking motif; and #5 goes on the red box in the kitchen as first aid kit.

Box front:

Sunny day on Marcel's Organic Farm outside HLC. Very tall box with classic beveled waistline sides and wrap around graphics (tree); so I've placed a 3-brick-tall Friends brick on the bottom left for size reference.
There is room in the sky for a heart ... alas, it's not there any more.

Contains: 7 parts bags (Teal brick separator in bag 1), instructions book wrapped in poly with sticker sheet safe, and a 16x16 tan baseplate.

"Help, I've fallen and can't get up!" - Marcel said while picking apples.

Now you know why he wears a wrist bandage; the cover of the new instructions book style depicts this scene rather than the full box art. It is a graphics segue to the paper parts bags coming soon; although this box only contained poly.

Box back:
Daily farm chore scenes and inside the barn-style farmhouse.

For all parts visit LEGO instructions page.

Ready for a Lunch!


Very enjoyable building experience loaded with great design techniques useful for future creations. The rafters and roof slopes construction give the builder ideas for other house type of structures. Combining 2 of theses sets would be ideal. Even though its 826 parts build a nice set, the bedroom is a bit sparse. It would be fun to build-out a larger interior and maybe hinge the whole thing with a whole roof. This could also be easily modified with bricks from your collection.

While looking at the box art I made plans for a re-build, yet it's concise in build results. The ancillary modules do comprise of a decent amount of parts that could be added to create just a small cabin. I really like the varying colors of the aged roof. It's not easy designing for dilapidation while still coming off as a cohesive model. So, props to the designer(s).

I was surprised at the number of newly recolored parts. Also happy; as I love medium nougat and Teal! Getting 4 mini-dolls and a kitty is a nice trend for 2022. I think the tractor also makes a good learning exercise for any builder. Vehicles are so varied in LEGO, and the angled plates give this one a stream-line design. Yet, it is still rugged enough for play.

No matter where in the world you live -- farms are vital to life. I would have loved this set as a kid; as an AFOL the build was detailed enough for engagement. Besides, you're never too old to have fun building a Chicken coop with an egg drop mechanism!

This set was provided by The LEGO Group for the purpose of sharing set details with fans.
Opinions provided here solely reflect those of our reviewer.
Photographs are property of FriendsBricks and are not directed by TLG in any fashion.


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