
April 25, 2022

Review: 41698 Pet Playground


It's a beautiful day out. The dogs are excited and can't wait to start playing in the pet playground. What should they play first?

If following the instructions, Andrea is first. Her top and bottom are new and so far exclusive to this set. She's wearing a white top with magenta hatch pattern. She has a new yellow skirt, a black belt, and pair of comfy black sandals.

Next we build the cleaning station. The lime re-color trash container is new and also available in one other set. We have a couple of chocolate cupcakes to put in it.

The cleaning station is complete. Now that we have a shovel and a broom, we can get to work.

Moving along we start on the entrance way. The turnstile spins freely. One thing to note, the printed instruction booklets use similar color ink for the dark pink and coral 1x1 round tile pieces.

The entrance way has a nice brick built dog bone. The 2 x 4 tile is a new printed piece with 2 dogs on a seesaw for this set. I wonder why there's no cat. There is a ball to play fetch.

Lots of round pieces in the playground merry go round.

A quick spin with my finger and the merry go round is done. The 8 x 8 tan re-color round plate with hole is new and in one other set.

Next up we see the beginnings of the see saw. The mechanism is a couple 1 x 2 bricks with pin and 2 x 4 plate with pin hole.

The flowers make nice accents. It's possible to launch the rider if you don't attach them securely to the studs and smack down hard on the up side.

Book #1 is done. We have a few extra pieces.

Let's take a closer look at the dogs. The light bluish gray dog is new and exclusive to this set so far. It has that adorable head tilt. There other two dogs were released in 2021.

Starting on book #2. The 8 x 8 tan re-color plate rounded end is new and only in this set so far.

We have the water high jump stand on the right. We make a sandbox with 2 x 2 x 1 bright light yellow corner panels. They are new in that re-color for 2022 and only in this set.

Building on up, we use some 1 x 1 x 3 medium nougat bricks. They are also new in that re-color and in one other set.

The slide, stairs, climbing wall, and splash pool are in. The 2 x 2 x 1 dark turquoise corner panels are new in that re-color for 2022 and is also in 41697. The pool and sandbox are removable and can change places.

Book #2 is done. The roof is on the tower. It looks very similar to a children's playground. There's Andrea's little sister, Liz, and some spare pieces.

Liz's micro-doll body with dark turquoise dress and hoodie is new and currently exclusive to this set. The hoodie has a rainbow print. There is no printing in the back.

The front of the box shows the pet playground with Heartlake City in the background. It highlights Andrea and Liz in the bottom right corner. The sides have the usual bevel.

The back shows the different play features and some emojis.

Inside the box we get two numbered bags, two booklets, and a 8 x 16 tan plate. Interestingly, there are no stickers with this set. I thought they were missing or lost until I looked through the instructions.

Liz plays with the dogs while Andrea work on the chocolate cupcakes.


This 5+ set is a fairly easy build. It can be share build with a little one or friend with one person working book #1 while the other book #2. It has working play equipment for the pet dogs and mini/micro-dolls.

For AFOLs, you get Andrea and Liz in unique outfits. There are a new grey dog and recolored parts like the trash container. No stickers for the non-sticker fans.

Overall, it is an enjoyable build and play.

Woof, woof, who let the cat out?  Ok, no cats. (Cat and sandbox cleaning not included with this set.)

Thanks for reading.

This set was provided by The LEGO Group for the purpose of sharing set details with fans.
Opinions provided here solely reflect those of our reviewer.
Photographs are property of FriendsBricks and are not directed by TLG in any fashion.

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