November 21, 2017

2018 January LEGO Friends sets

It's time to get excited about the next wave!
2018 January LEGO Friends sets:

 LEGO Friends 41327 Mia’s Bedroom
 LEGO Friends 41328 Stephanie’s Bedroom
LEGO Friends 41329 Olivia’s Deluxe Bedroom
 LEGO Friends 41330 Stephanie’s Soccer Practice
 LEGO Friends 41332 Emma’s Art Stand
 LEGO Friends 41333 Olivia’s Mission Vehicle
 LEGO Friends 41334 Andrea’s Park Performance
 LEGO Friends 41335 Mia’s Tree House
 LEGO Friends 41336 Emma’s Art Café
 LEGO Friends 41338 Stephanie’s Sports Arena
 LEGO Friends 41339 Mia’s Camper Van
LEGO Friends 41340 Friendship House
LEGO Friends Clubhouse Pod (polybag) 5005236

See all the Mini-dolls close up!


Message from the LEGO Friends Design Team regarding the 2018 changes


Anonymous said...

What happened to the main characters?? �� It’s a very ridiculous change... I hope it is not final! �� I love the news sets, btw. Except really for the new characters...

Anonymous said...

Glad to see cats in two of the sets and very excited to see a new cat color (calico) has been added! These are two sets I will buy for sure.

Anonymous said...

I love the new color cats!
and all the other animals also love that they included a baby in a smaller set as I could not afford the hospital I like the changes to Andrea but I don't like Olivia as much for the most part these sets are pretty cool


Blondwave said...

I'm not feeling good about changing the main characters. The Lego Group may loose me as a fan.

Xyra Silverleaf said...

Very interesting! Thank you for the sneak peak. I love that there is a brown bunny and new kitties. I wish they'd do something with a squirrel again.

kspay said...

Wow... happy to see bedroom sets!!! But how come only 3 set bedrooms...

Anonymous said...

Why is Oliver now brown?
My daughter saw it and said that's not Oliver that we have, I don't want a brown Oliver. It's wrong to change a character after so many years.

Anonymous said...

Why is Oliver now brown? My daughter saw it and said see didn't want it because Oliver is different. It's wrong to change a character after so many years. I can't find a reason anywhere.

Anonymous said...

@ Higgins : I'm about the same with Olivia, and so I'm about anothers. Why they just couldn't say that they're changing the group instead of the same names with different look? I hate that decision.

Anonymous said...

I would've been okay with Olivia having glasses, but she's been white for like 6 years so I think if you changed her color, people might get annoyed. Also. Why does Andrea and (techincally) Mia not have a house still

Unknown said...

I agree with all the dislikes about the changes. If there going to change, they probably should have a good reasons to change after all these years.

Trung Truong said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't totally hate Olivia's skin color changing but I feel like giving her glasses is stereotypical since she's the "intelligent one".

Anonymous said...

Lego friends sets are becoming more boring. Very very disappointed with the 2018 sets.

Anonymous said...

Sets look cool,but I don't like the changes to the characters.

Anonymous said...

Nooo...�� What a complete disappointment, I took my two daughters to the store tonight to buy them a couple Lego friends sets and found most of the new sets, they completely refused to get any and were totally desapointed. What a chage! The new look of the girls is like 20, 30 years old, like from the 90's. My 9 year old girl who's been a big fan since she was 4 felt like she was getting a little kids set. They should have just added kids to the regular line like little sisters and brothers. That would have been awesome. I really hope the don't change their look on the webisodes and movies. Not happy with the change Lego and I'm sure we are not the only ones ��

M E said...

The reason for the changes are quite simple and can be explained to and understood by most children. Explain that it may take them a little while to get used to these changes also let them know how many other kids will be happy and feel included. Also the design of the logo doesn't change the toy itself and the changes to the minidolls are quite small. If your kids don't think "brown: minidolls (or persons) are as good as "white" ones, then that's more of a failure on your part than of Lego's.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Lego buying mum, and so disappointed with the change in the original characters. Two are very much older-looking. I don't mind the skin colour change, though it's a bit of a shock when it's the same character that a child has got used to (me too), but to make one character, Olivia, dull with glasses because involved with science, that's bad. Lego should have left her like all the others and then they're just girls with different interests. Now she is stereotyped, and I don't like that. Disappointed fan.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to Olivia? She looks so different. Why did Lego change the characters?

Anonymous said...

Love the fact that new characters are more defined. Latino girls had no characters to relate to, but the new Olivia fills that void. Andrea is also more defined and I appreciate that. The characters all seem much more refined and now every little girl can relate to one of the fab five. Thank you Lego for being inclusive of a broader range of races!

Xyra Silverleaf said...

I just built my first set with the new Olivia and I LOVE her! She's fabulous.

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