Movie Theaters are a great way to take a break while shopping -- so Mia is wise with her idea!

Box shows Mia waiting for customers -- of course the surprise animal is absent, since we may get 1 of 4 colors. This teardrop shaped box allows the cube to protrude out the front; secured by 2 top studs. Series #2 cube covers are satin trans-dark pink. Side panel shows a collage of the various animals in the 4 randomized colors; only 1 animal per cube. The back of the box shows all 5 Shopping Cubes.

Box contents: Cube in satin trans-dark pink and bright yellowish green (I have to say my favorite outfit as a young girl had this color combo :-) closed with its own contents, building instructions pamphlet, largest bag of parts, and sticker sheet. These fit nice and tight into the cavity of the box, above the cube itself, so they don't get much shifting like in traditional boxes. So, the stickers arrive in good shape.

Large bag contents: I've noticed in these packages the mini-doll arms are out-stretched; pretty sure in other sets they are along the sides. Of course the new printed 3D glasses on Mia's head is the highlight so far! Series #1 also had new face print of Andrea's gold lightning bolt "face paint" -- which is beautiful.
Nothing else new, yet the piece count of 37 for hers indicated a bit larger bricks/pieces.
The Lavender 2x6 plates with 1x6 upwards studs come in all Series #2 Cubes, and also in Trolls Pop Village Celebration as interior base of a purple pod.

Here is Mia sporting her new 3D glasses! She has worn this outfit before in the Friendship Bus 41395. The orange and yellow side sunburst is fun, with her signature motif lightning bolt in 2 colors zigging across. The back of her top is solid orange. The top looks so cute with olive green cargo shorts and brown belt. The orange & olive sneakers really tie it together.
I think the glasses accentuate her slight side smile :-)

Open the cube to find the mysterious question marked pillow box with our surprise animal, a brochure showing all animals & cube -- plus a peek at Series #3 covers, and small parts bag.

Small parts bag contents: We get 2 printed Popcorn 1x1 bricks! Yay! They aren't new, having first appeared in a City Popcorn Cart polybag. The printed ticket tile first appeared in 2017's Creator Carousel; and since in several sets.

A few stickers have interesting ties to other sets & topics. The Narwhal of course from 2HY2019 set, and the Alpaca/Llama reference to another cube (and upcoming set).
Only 3 stickers are numbered and included in the instructions for placement; the rest are for the builder to decide. I like the upper right checklist of things to do in each cube this series.

We apply the Menu sticker to the 2x2 white tile and attach to stud in the pink cube half. The movie theater wall sticker with sound speaker and movie posters goes in the green. The large sticker is best lined-up at the top where the curve meets flat. Also easier to place before those 2 trans-yellow lights.

The new satin trans-dark pink color first appeared in Disney's Aurora's Royal Carriage.

The movie about Narwhals is playing on the screen -- beautiful! I really wanted to show that in an image. The reclining Lounger chair is another sweet succinct design by the team! Red is the perfect color for a theater. Although the instructions have you build it into the module -- I just had to built it separately -- I love doing that!
The popcorn maker is popping in the left module ... and the ticket is just waiting for a customer!

Everything of the cube is built and we get only 2 spares -- mainly due to very few really small parts.
Per instructions, we place Mia in the chair with a ticker ready for a customer.
Even though it's meant to be in a shopping mall, it looks like a really cute "Home Theater" these days.

Ready for a surprise animal to join Mia? Yes, me too -- and this purple Owl is a gem! My photos cannot due it justice (neither can TLG part renders) and so just enjoy the aspects. The heart-shaped breast feathers in a silver mirror sheen are lovely & fitting for Friends. The blue shimmery beak and eyes are regal. The silver shimmer back gives distinction from the wings.
Even though this is the same Owl mold from Elves -- this color of medium Lilac makes it seem new.

Four colors are randomly placed into these Cubes -- so no feeling or searching for part number ;-)

One more look at this Owl before it lands in the theater. Considering dark purple is one of Mia's signature colors, it will blend well with the other purple bricks.

Perched so perfectly next to the popcorn -- hmm, maybe just a few kernels ...
Seriously though, the cube now seems complete with such a lovely animal. Besides having fabulous night vision and other color ranges, I'm not sure how 3D generated images present to owls.
Perhaps being a forest resident, Mia has an owl, or it represents night time (for movies); or a guard for her cube.

Here's the brochure with all the other animals in the four colors, paired with their cubes. Plus, we see a peek at Series #3 due out June 2020 with a Summer vacation theme. The cover appears to be another satin, yet in blue. Cute fishy sticker!

Cube closes for transport with everything positioned. It's ready for sticker personalization.

Since Mia can't remove her 3D glasses, she's doing a "trust" activity with her purple Owl friend.

One more look at Mia ready for customers at her Movie Theater Cube. Oh wait, maybe the Owl *is* a customer!
Although I've never seen an owl at a movie theater, I have seen them in theater arenas for other shows. They seem to take it in stride. With amazing sight and multi-directional hearing, they have the skills to manage in different settings. I'm a huge Owl fan, so I'd recommend this cube for the excitement of seeing the color inside. Sure, copper metallic may be more true-to-life, yet purple is purdy!
Creating the illusion of this cube containing a movie theater is brilliant. Again, it's the creative ideas we love about Friends. That we have a red chair recline in a sideways view is clever. It's like walking down a movie theater aisle. The chair itself is a nice build. Plus, the technique is good skill-building for any level builder.
The design in this cube is satisfying, in that: I didn't feel compelled to re-arrange anything -- as I did with Series #1.
Don't let just the piece count be part of the decision for this cube, in relation to others. It's not always the count, as much as what you get. Two popcorn printed "bags" and ticket tile -- and Mia's unique 3D glasses gives it a boost over a cube with a lot of common parts. If you decide due to parts or inspiration, either reasons will be a wise choice.
This set was provided by The LEGO Group for the purpose of sharing set details with fans.
Opinions provided here solely reflect those of our reviewer.
Photographs are property of Friends Bricks and are not directed by TLG in any fashion.
I always like that your personality shows on each of your reviews as well as the quality of the pictures the label included with the pictures and the extra piece pics are also vert welcome...
Thank you :-)
So I ordered this one for my birthday and target sent me mias jungle cube, but gave me both refund and are supposed to be sending the right set (it's backordered) is it to much to ask to sit down and be a nightowl and watch some old movies?
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